Peter Brock Memorial Child Sponsorship Program
Heart Reach Australia has initiated a Child Sponsorship Program called the Peter Brock Memorial Child Sponsorship Program (PBMCSP), which guarantees 100% of sponsorship funds goes to the children’s programs.
Through fundraising, and with the support of Laser Sight Australia, our Major Sponsor, all administration and related costs are met. This means HRA is one of the few Organisations that can take your donations and see they are completely used in the intended areas, and for the designated purposes.
Note: program developments are detailed in the PBMCSP Update pages.
Through Viet Nam, thousands of children are living in poverty. Most cannot go to school. They have to work just to live day to day. They cannot afford medical attention, and many have dental and other physical problems. But it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE like this. With your help for just $40 a month, children can:
- have free medical care
- attend school with all needs met
- receive food and clothing
- be maintained in a ‘family’
Heart Reach Australia has (as a tribute to our former Patron) initiated the PBMCSP to bring life, hope and a future to children in these developing countries.
If you would like to help, you can:
- Visit our Support Us page for options,
- Visit our Contact Us page to view our bank details (for direct deposits), or
- Download and return our printable remittance form (Adobe pdf format). Opens in a new window.